Spiritual teacher and healer Olivia Carli and her partner Alex have created Mangata based in Mississauga, and together they offer classes, workshops, healings & tools for empowerment.

“I believe all of us have a purpose within this life & are meant for greatness. I believe we deserve to live our lives with passion and joy. As a Spiritual Guide & Healer within the Lineage of King Salomon, I have ancient tools & teachings to support people no matter where they may be in life. From clients struggling with addiction or mental illness to clients who just are looking to reach their fullest potential, I provide guidance, energetic treatments as well as tools to help support them on their journey. My purpose is to help people discover their purpose.”

Olivia aims to expand her workshops & healings throughout the GTA in the near future, making healing & growth more readily available to all who may be looking.